Source Code


The best selling truck in America for the past 26 years, the best selling VEHICLE in America for the past 21 years.

My 2002 F-150 is a bad ass truck. Its also pretty fast considering that it weighs 5000 pounds.

"hEy, DoM, I sMaShEd tHe VaLaNcE oF mY f-150 LiGhTnInG (that would kick ass on the strip against all cars in that movie) iNtO a CuRb oUt iN fRoNt oF tHe ParTs sTorE!!! I nEeDeD NAWSSSSS!!!11"

by Bitchin Kitchen August 7, 2003

162๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stands for Special Vehicle Team, from Ford. SVT takes stock Ford vehicles, and tunes them to add more horsepower, and they even add performance inspired styling cues. SVT is responsible for making the Ford Lightning, Cobra, SVT Focus, and even the SVT Contour.

The latest product from Ford SVT, the Mustang Cobra, is capable of 12.0 second quarter mile times, stock. It also has 390 horsepower and an equal ammount of tourqe.

by Bitchin Kitchen June 26, 2003

180๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Scientifically Tested Petroleumร‚ยฎ

Petroleum company which makes products such as oil treatment and fuel treatment for automobiles.

Official sponsor of Richard Petty and the number 43 Plymouth NASCAR machine.

by Bitchin Kitchen August 16, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term in which ricers use to describe winning a race against a child aboard a tricycle. They never say 'win while drag racing' or 'out handle' they only say 'My cIvIc can beat a Viper, Yo!' Thus giving the term no meaning what so ever.

'Muh stock Civic has 118 horse powa cuzza VTEC, yo! So I can beat yo 96 Cobra with a 4.6 liter DOHC V8 and a 3.73 rear end! Mad phat, yo!'

by Bitchin Kitchen June 14, 2003

1๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

limp bizkit

A band who has fans that speak about percentages when their percentage adds up to 102%. Limp Bizkit's second album, entitled Significant Other, was OK, but after that, all of their songs sounded like shit. Likely because the lead singer liked to actually eat shit. Currently, as of this writing, Limpbizkit, as they are now called (fucktards), is seeking a new guitarist. Their one requirement is that the new band member be of Asian decent. Why? Because aZns are mad phat, yo!

Jim: 'Limpbizkit fuckin sucks, hey Bob?'
Bob: 'Fuckin A, Jim!'

by Bitchin Kitchen May 30, 2003

77๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually put into calculators or other digital devices by pre pubescant 12 year old junior high students to display a message to other young children. The message, when flipped upside down, clearly reads,"GOTOHELL."

Bobby: "Johnny, I hate you!"
Johnny: "You do?"
Bobby: "Yeah! ::types into calculator, holds it up in Johnny's face::

by Bitchin Kitchen August 8, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


KoRn spelled backwards.

go to Korn.com!!!

by Bitchin Kitchen July 26, 2003

16๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž