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Kevin/Rob/Blake possey:
a violent and mischievous trio that wreacked sarcastic havoc on Thomas Stone Highschool in Waldorf Maryland. KRB is responsible for embarressment of innumerable victims and the begining of what would come to be known as Tip Wars. KRB invented the Kevin Goad song, and the Chriss Prairie song (with jazz interlude) and successfully completed one of the most dangerous and daring feats of them all: Operation Sound Off.

" You better shut the hell up or the KRB will be all over your ass"

by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005

12πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


someone who is exceptionally bitchy and also untrustworthy, therfore dirty and undesirable like a whore >> Bitch Whore

Jill: well, i know you bought me that diamon bracelet but I just dont think we're meant to be together
Jack:I understand, can I have the bracelet back then
Jill: No, actually I sold it for crack, all of which I have used up
Jack: you fucking bitch-whore
Jill: youre the one that fell down the fucking hill and broke your crown and lost all of our money
Jack: shut the hell up woman

by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The 3rd size of boobs a woman can have
1.boobs/boobies (a-c)
2.jugs (large c-d)
3.balloobies (dd and beyond)

Balloobies are extremely large breasts, size doube D or larger, they no longer resemble perky breasts, rather balloons, hence the combo word balloobies

Damn, that fat bitch had some balloobies

by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005

40πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

happy monkey

a phrase used in place of Holy shit

Happy Monkey thats hot!

by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005

3πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

fag tag

similar to a cock knock or cock punch, however in a fag tag one individual quickly and stiffly backhands another in the balls and immediate penile regions.

John fag tagged peter cuz he kneed him in the nuts

by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005

6πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Thomas Stone High

A ghetto highschool in Waldorf Maryland. Home to many SMIB's, hooknasties, hambones, prostitots and the KRB, and some how rated as number 270 something in the countries best schools...how that happened, we may never know.
Also see: Waldorf, KRB, Operation Sound Off, SMIB

Man, Thomas Stone High is da shiz

by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005

30πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


abbreviation of Waldorf, a city in southern maryland
also know as "the 'dorf"

hey, you headin back the 'dorf for spring break?
hells no, im goin to florida

by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005

8πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž