Source Code

Donta Don

A weird/ghetto name for a penis

You: Bro my girl show me her poonanny
Friend: What you do
You: I showed my donta don

by BlueJay Slade November 1, 2017

No Suspect

Similar to No Homo, no suspect is a means a clarifying what you really wanted to say or clean up any misinterpretations of something you said.

Jed: Man I hate my boss, nigga always breathing down my neck over the smallest things, I want that nigga to go somewhere anywhere that’s not around me.

Max: Yo know you could get rid of him yourself, all you need is the right tools and gear, cut him up the right way and he out of your hair for good.

Jed: (worried) Yo bro you seem to know a lot about that.

Max: Hell yeah bro I know at least 8 different ways to get rid of people and get away with it No Suspect tho, I just watch a lot of cops shows and low key I feel like they be trying to teach people how to get away with shit, I mean first they tell you the crime and how much time you looking at, then they tell you all the ways to avoid it or the many ways you could avoid it.

Jed:(calm) Yeah man you right about that but I ain’t trying to go that route thx tho.

by BlueJay Slade September 22, 2019


How Jenny did Forest Gump

Give your all to your partner in your relationship while getting little to nothing back and in some cases getting dumped because they think they can do better than you. Because they know you’re crazy for them and you will let them get away with it.

Nick: Hey bro how are you and Destiny doing?
JD: We broke up. Really she dumped me.
Nick: She dumped you? After all you did for her, she cheated on you, stole from you, and treated you like shit. Really?
JD: Yeah man I know.
Nick: Damn dude sounds like you got Jenny’ed hard I’m sorry for you, sorry you took an L and sorry if took you this long to realize she ain’t no good.

by BlueJay Slade May 7, 2018


Something that’s ghetto and country at the same time.

Arcane: Man this place is guntry as hell!!

Jerome: Nigga what the hell is guntry?

Arcane: Duh it’s when something is ghetto and country at the same damn time. Take this place for example half of it is so damn ghetto you probably get shot just looking at someone the wrong way. Then the other half, so damn country you literally see chickens crossing the fucking road.

Arcane: Tell me what else would you call a place like this.

by BlueJay Slade September 16, 2019

Kangaroo Legs

To have extremely well developed leg strength

You: Yo look at Mike squatting 600

Friend: Yo how is he able to do that

You: He’s got those kangaroo legs

by BlueJay Slade November 1, 2017

Giraffe Neck

A girl who perform oral sex to a long af penis with ease

You: Yo me and my girl finally got to Third Base
Your Friend: Yo you serious bro
You: Yo guess what .... She giraffe neck me bro
Your Friend: Yo you joking
You: From the tip all the way to my nuts man

by BlueJay Slade November 14, 2017

3👍 4👎

Going Dead

When a friend unexpectedly stops acting like a friend so you resort to stop treating them like a friend

JD: What’s up Alex
Alex: Sigh Hey I guess ( with Attitude)
JD: You ok

Alex: ... (Still with attitude)

Next Day

James: You and Alex good man
JD: I don’t know but this is the fifth time he started treating me like this, this week alone so I’m Going dead on him
James: Damn it’s that bad
JD: Yup

by BlueJay Slade November 14, 2017