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A really sweet Asian guy that has really big abs. He's not an open book so to know about him you have to be pretty close. At first he may seem hostile but as your relationship strengthens, you two are tied for life. Kepler is one of those people that make up for their mistakes in ways that can never be repayed. If you meet a Kepler, don't take your friendship for granted. In a relationship, take it slow. Don't play Kepler he will never trust you. He is the type of person you can always trust and although sometime he may be a pain, as much as you want him out of your life, you can't stand to he without him. They are usually Bronies.

Sandy: hey how's you and Kepler doin?!

Roxy: FABULOUS we made out while watching My Little Pony!

Sandy: oh god no

by Bob Crapo January 12, 2014

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