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Most of these definitions are wrong, ignorance is the assumption of utmost knowing about a subject when you clearly have no clue and when you try to get into a subject you have no idea about, it has nothing to do with being dull or not knowing it is the belief or pretending that you know and trying to give your two cents when you have never even researched the topic

Ignorant Asshole-Soccer is a gay sport invented by women, so it showed be played by women.

Informed Person-Dude do you even know what your talking about, it was evented by a group of college boys in 1863 in England, it takes an incredible amount of skill and has grown to be the world most popular sport with a growing rate 3.5 billion people worldwide, god you have so much Ignorance

Ignorant Asshole-Wait...whats Soccer again

by Bob Deeedly July 8, 2011

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