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circle of death

a drinking game similar to Kings in which a deck of cards is spread around a can in the middle of a table and players draw cards in order, each card having a specific value or meaning

When playing the circle of death, Ken drew a four of spades, so he drank four shots. Lisa got the queen, so she became the question master.

by Bob the Giraffe July 5, 2006

37👍 12👎

circle of death

a drinking game similar to Kings in which a deck of cards is spread around a can in the middle of a table and players draw cards in order, each card having a specific value or meaning

When playing the circle of death, Ken drew a four of spades, so he drank four shots. Lisa got the queen, so she became the question master.

by Bob the Giraffe July 7, 2006

21👍 18👎