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Saline, most commonly mispronounced as Say-leen. It is a rather small town where nothing big ever happens, and the rich all thrive. It is mostly over run with the pinky raising upperclass type of people. The schools are over filled with kids, and the teachers are constantly bugging for you to bring in paper cause the budget is gone. The roads in the country part of Saline are nothing but pot holes, and the biggest event in history at the new high school is Evactuation '05. Teachers and officials all said there was nothing that caused it, but the students all know better then that. Basically, if you can live anywhere but Saline, do it.

A2 kid: Wow. Lets go somewhere.
Saline kid: How about Saline?
A2 kid: No way that place is so boring.
Saline kid: Yeah good point. Saline blows.

by Bobbie DesMarais April 12, 2006

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