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What young virgins play around age 7-27 because they decided to quit masturbating. So call "dickheads" at school use this and brag about packs, "v-bucks", kills, wins.

Person 1:"Oh mate, I've have 43 wins on Fortnite" Person 2: "Oh really now dickhead, you suck I got 57, and better guns!"

by Bobby Slaitor March 25, 2018

7👍 1👎


A online game, with young virgins who stay at home and try do money glitches. Players have never been out in the sun, or interacted with nobody except from their "friends" on Xbox / PlayStation. Many scum YouTubers' use clickbait so they can get views and get paid by making fake videos like, "I GOT GTA 6!!!" "What happens when you kill Trevor, where is his grave!?" *RED ARROW* ETC ETC ETC!

Sernandoe: "Man, I need views, lets go make some click bait GTA V video!" Jimmy: "Yeah dude, already done that but check my money and cars!"

by Bobby Slaitor March 25, 2018

30👍 10👎