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Logan is athletic and very handsome he's the kind of guy that will give you his prize or give you roses on the first date. He's very cute mostly blonds and there not modest of there looks there humble very outgoing loves music especially with a beat and 80's music like Areosmith or Bon Jovi.

Man that's some sweet music .

Logan's so sweet I wish I could talk to him.

by Bon Jovi 1 November 17, 2017


An amazing girl who is very sarcastic but secretly is sensitive very living always takes there time and one of the most beautiful people you'll ever meet she is shy at first then becomes out going and she is laid back and always travels in a crowd but always stands out And she likes rap music

Wow look at Aubrie she is so cute I love her out fit oooo I can hear her music it's by Hamilton 😋

by Bon Jovi 1 November 17, 2017

26👍 4👎