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Kill your fucking self.
A word used by Bitches to attempt sounding cooler then another person.

-Girl over hears conversation-
Yeah! OMG Justin Beiber is soooooooo cute!

Girl walking by mumbles...Kyfs

by Boss of the Boss September 12, 2010

26👍 17👎

Bruh Bruh

Term used in talking to a friend, Usually preceded by Aye-

From the Single "Bruh Bruh" By Plies Which is a terrible song, yet saying "bruh bruh is addicting and fun to say.

Tyrell Smith- Aye bruh bruh

Dantavious Jackson- Wassss'good bruh bruh

Ty- Nothing much bruh bruh

Dantavious- oh true bruh bruh lets'get some bitches and booze bruh bruh

Ty-Bruh bruh, did you just say "bitches and booze?"

Dantavious- Yeah bruh bruh

Ty- Kill you self Niqqa!

Dantavious- mayne fuqq you bruh bruh

by Boss of the Boss September 12, 2010

114👍 52👎