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Mad Gay In The Face

Something displeasing or boring. Another way to say lame. Normally used in reference to a person, but not usually to imply actual homosexuality.

"That kid Brian is mad gay in the face!"

by Brian The Mute April 4, 2007

6👍 7👎


A person exhibiting extreme quirkiness, dorkiness, and adorableness.

"My best friend, Jen, is so quirkdorkable!"

by Brian The Mute April 4, 2007

13👍 2👎

Doom Buggy

The show name given to Disney's OmniMover system, used in the Haunted Mansion rides in California and Florida.

Please keep your arms inside the Doom Buggy at all times.

by Brian The Mute August 27, 2008

9👍 5👎