Source Code

Triple Jiggle Woppa Woppa blaster 3000

When a girl vigorously shakes her breasts at least 3 times after a tit fuck and your cum starts shooting around the room.

Oh man, she gave me a triple jiggle woppa woppa blaster 3000 because I finished early. Now I have to shower

by Brief Velkoz May 17, 2019

Trump Card

A banned Yu-Gi-Oh card that when activated, changes all the elements of the opponent's active monsters to Mexican and his passport is now invalidated. Any Mexican monster is now banished.

Did you hear that Seto Kaiba used a Trump Card in the tournament ?

by Brief Velkoz December 16, 2018

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Memetiquette is an unwritten set of rules that each Meme Lord or Meme Dealer has to follow during a meme exchange or conversation. For example, if you are sent a meme, you should send one back of equal value or of the same template. Recieving a tier 10 meme then sending a normie instagram post is considered treacherous in the meme community.

Person 1: " Hey, Person 3 just sent me a meme with no captions. "
Person 2: " Send him a meme from Pubity or some other instagram page "
Person 1: " Have you no Memetiquette?! Thats a high tier meme, you uncultered swine! "

by Brief Velkoz March 3, 2019

Urban Dick

An Urban Dick is someone that posts definitions on Urban Dictionary solely to insult his/her friend, ex, school, celebrity or politician. They usually use personal pronouns, real names and or inside jokes in the definition.

Man 1: I was voting the other day and say the word "Emily"
Man 2: What's that mean
Man 1: "Someone who cheats on people and acts like a bitch"
Man 2: Fuckin Urban Dicks man, they're everywhere!

by Brief Velkoz May 24, 2019

Crazy Hamburger

A fitting reply for when a friend bombards you with information that is irrelevant to you or you don't care about.

Friend: "Did you hear? Loewe is selling a Spirited Away sweater for 4 figures!"
Me: "Wow, crazy hamburger"
Friend: "They look so bad, Im glad I cant even afford it, not worth my money"

by Brief Velkoz January 11, 2022

Wet Brag

When someone brags about something he thinks is great but is actually lame and that fact that he's bragging about it makes it worse and makes you wonder what he does when he's alone.

Friend 1: Did you hear? Blake's been bragging he collected all the My Little Pony happy meal toys
Friend 2: Really? What a wet brag, I wonder what he does in his free time
Friend 1: Probably writes MLP fanfics

by Brief Velkoz April 14, 2021

Holden McGroin

A famous Italian actor who worked his way from being a broke actor in theatre musical to a TV Star featured in Days of Our Lives. He once had a cameo in the early episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S with his look alike, Matt LeBlanc.

Have you seen Holden McGroin in Man With a Plan ?!

by Brief Velkoz December 5, 2018

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