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Shower Baby

A baby who sits in showers all day listening to rappers thinking they’re gangster when I’m reality they’re just a baby who has 5 showers a day

Steve : Yo see that guy over there
Bob : yeah man
Steve : that guy looks tough

Bob : Nah man he’s just a shower baby, look he’s still wet

by Broham May 30, 2019

1👍 2👎

Wank Wank

The most retarded kind of Pokemon made when the nutters at Nintendo take too many sniffs of the good old nose candy

Pokemon trainer - see that wank wank over there
Wank wank - *makes Downey noise*

by Broham May 9, 2018

13👍 5👎


When you are trying to kick game or "punt" at a fly honey.

Yo, ARe you tryin' to punts that?

by Broham April 1, 2005


The worst city in the world! But its located next to the best city aka nottingham. It has bad garages, Bad trafic and the worst football team known to man

Me - where you from
Person -Derby

Me - get out

by Broham July 19, 2016

3👍 2👎

Shank Wank

A Shank Wank is where if you are held at knife point by some road men you’d have one last final wank before you’re sent up into the council estate in the sky.

guy 1: Did you hear the news

guy 2 : yeah I did apparently someone was found dead this morning

guy 1 : Yeah he must of totally had a shank wank

guy 2 : totally man

by Broham May 30, 2019