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Slow Slow

South Georgia term for a very lengthy and highly enjoyable blowjob.

" we didn't go all the way but she did however give me some slow slow "

by Bruiser Braswell October 22, 2016

2👍 2👎

Stink Face

South Georgia term to describe somebody give you a dirty look for no apparent reason

" I'm not sure what her problem is but she won't stop giving me the stink face "

by Bruiser Braswell October 22, 2016

Cutting Turds

South Georgia term for describing a series of very juicy Farts that smells like straight-up shit !!!

" I have a feeling that after eating all this Chilli I will be cutting turds all night long "

by Bruiser Braswell October 22, 2016

1👍 2👎