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Someone who has mastered the art of memes. It may take many years of intense training to become a memer. Only when one has unlocked his inner power can he become a memer.

Sensei: You have done well. Your training is complete.
Student: You have taught me well, sensei.
Sensei: You have become a true memer

by Brutus The Definer October 16, 2018

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Samsung Galaxy

There are two definitions of Samsung Galaxy.
1: An extremely dangerous, weapons-grade explosive that was invented in South Korea.
2: A Smartphone

Policeman 1: There number of arms dealing rings skyrocketed after that South Korean explosive came onto the market.
Policeman 2: Don't worry, those aren't arms dealers. They're just electronics stores selling the new Samsung Galaxy.

by Brutus The Definer July 5, 2018

10πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A radical feminist who, instead of finding ways to promote gender equality, expect women to be treated like gods and just hates men in general. A typical femenazi might take up disgusting habits, such as ruining her body with tattoos, having crazy hairstyles, growing long armpit hair, never showering etc... Most femenazis whine on Tumblr and some may be hiding among us here on Urban Dictionary. When femenists gather together to protest, it is normally about an important issue. Not femenazis. When a large group of them gather, they can be found holding up signs with gibberish on them and claiming that anyone who disagrees with them is a "rapist", "sexist", or "Misogynist Pig." Warning: If you see a femenazi, do not talk to her. Disagreeing with one is Rape and they get Triggered easily.

Innocent Bystander 1: Look at them protesting. They're saying that we should "end fathers' day"
Innocent Bystander 2: What a bunch of Femenazis
Innocent Bystander 3: You know, You two should really stop using the term Femenazi. It's offensive. To the Nazis.

by Brutus The Definer October 18, 2018

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The thing that you are if you don't know what this means.

Non-idiot: Are you an Idiot?

Idiot: What's that?

by Brutus The Definer October 16, 2018

Keeping up with the Kardashians

A common mispronunciation of the title of the television show: Keeping Up With The Shitheads.

IҀ™m going home to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians.

Bro, thatҀ™s such a common mistake. ItҀ™s Keeping up with the SHITHEADS!

by Brutus The Definer July 3, 2018

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