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Super Cuties

Super cuties is an organized Criminal Gang that covers the parts of New south wales & Queensland, along with some areas in the United States. However, they have been known for fucking over 'Minecraft' servers they also deal crack to people. The Leader of the cindicate is a person named (UNKNOWN) From Queensland Australia. They have also encountered different gangs like Balkans.

"Hey, I heard a gang from Super cuties shot up a petrol station'
"I heard you signed up to be a super cuties member... You're throwing your life away..."

by Busjack5 October 7, 2019


Herds is a competitive esports player who is well known within the esports community and plays varies of different games. These include, Sea of Thieves, Minecraft, Titanfall 2 and OSU. He is well known to adapt any game he plays and recently came to fame more widely after a dispute with his sponsors due to his racism comments previously made on Xbox live back in 2008 in a call of duty lobby. He

Did you hear about Herds winning another Valorant esports cup in North America?

Dude.. Herds is insane at Sea of thieves Competitive!

by Busjack5 April 20, 2021


Charbel96 is a famous Tiktoker from Western Sydney Australia and often starts off his videos with "Good question'" then proceeds to answer his viewers questions which can vary. Most of the questions usually start with;
"Top 5 (x)"
"Thoughts on (x)?"
"Why is Veronica so obsessed with you?"

Charbel is well known for known for his plain responses to viewers questions in the same room, every single time. Which have led some viewers to wonder what his whole house looks like. As of yet, viewers only know what two rooms in his house look like which are, his bedroom and bathroom. However, there has been various of leaks which says he has a water slide in his living room. But, this is just Canon.

In more recent drama;

As of August 2021 he undertook an interview with fellow famous Comedian Jonbernark where he was asked if he'd ever join a Sydney tiktok group where he replied with "I'd rather shit my hands and collapse". Which has led some viewers to believe that he's an Eshay. However, recent fact-checkers have proven this claim to be false and in fact Veronica is the true Eshay.

"Charbel96 please, sign my forehead"
"Charbel96, please, please, be less based"
"Charbel96, are you an LGA?"

by Busjack5 August 25, 2021


Jqpan, formerly known as Luc was one of the biggest pro-queer esport entities out in the gaming world during 2018-2020.

During his original appearance in the 2018 NA Valorant championships he quickly rose to fame however, it was shortly short lived.

Some of his biggest.

Consequently, during 2021 he disappeared from the internet after it was alleged he was doing shady dealings & undermining Valorant Esports community by placing illegal bets via a Russian Mob. Not only that, but it was ask alleged he faked being homosexual in order to get views and special attention from the league.

“Dude did you see what happened to Jqpan??”

“Don’t pull a Jqpan. Get your life straight.”

“Stop. think, do you really wanna go down the path Jqpan is going?

by Busjack5 August 23, 2021