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A hilarious Kevin Smith movie. It is one of the earlier Jay and Silent Bob films. The movie details a day two guys spend hanging out at the mall while trying to figure out a way to win back their girlfriends.

Brodie: Tell me, did you ever fart in front of her?
T.S. Quint: No, why do you ask?
Brodie: I never farted in front of Renee. Last week, I let one slip and today she dumps me.
T.S. Quint: Renee's not the shallow type. You're not insinuating...
Brodie: She was going down on me at the time.

by C the kike October 16, 2006

42👍 5👎

Louisiana Windchime

Lynching a black person and leaving them hanging from a tree in your front yard as ornaments.

Back in the day, guys used to round the negroes up and make some Louisiana Windchimes.

by C the kike November 5, 2005

57👍 44👎