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drinking the kool aid

To blindly follow someone or something.

Guy 1: That new substitute is soo cool!
Guy 2: Man, quit drinking the kool aid. :-/

by CM Oreo June 6, 2004

215πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


In Hawaiian, the generic name for everybody.

Noah: Eh, Aunty Miyamoto!
Aunty Miyamoto: Eh, Pono!

by CM Oreo April 19, 2004

73πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


For the lose. Opposite in meaning of ftw.

My team is full of stupid newbies, ftl!

by CM Oreo April 4, 2004

547πŸ‘ 563πŸ‘Ž

one handed typer

adj. Chronic Masturbator
n. Somebody who is masturbating to text over IM

i'm only using one hand, i'm beating joel

by CM Oreo March 26, 2004

29πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Glass Ceiling

A wrestling term, symbolizing the barricade keeping the perrenial upper-mid carders from main events. Usually used in the sense of backstage politics in wrestling, with one wrestler being accused of holding another down (as in: below the glass ceiling)

Above the glass ceiling: Triple H
Below the glass ceiling: Chris Jericho

by CM Oreo April 4, 2004

153πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


In wrestling, this is the term for the match that goes in-between two big storyline enders, to calm the crowd down. Also referred to as a buzzkill match.

Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley
Hurricane & Rosey vs. La Resistance <--
HBK vs. Triple H vs. Chris Benoit

by CM Oreo May 27, 2004

37πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Superlative of ~!.

urbandictionary.com is the BEST!@

by CM Oreo March 28, 2004

9πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž