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A sub-species of Human who instead of defecating in a hole in the ground; does so in a bag and leaves it as litter.

Ohhhh, that God damn Pooranah!
Ohhhh, that bags filled with that Pooranah poo!

by Calli the Cockatoo October 31, 2021

Ghetto Fairy

A group or individuals that both either/or graffiti on trees and/or attach fairy doors or paraphernalia to trees.

Graffiti - usually teens to twenties
Fairy Doors Etc - usually parents of primary school age.

Gee, how disappointing. This Reserve is turning into a "Ghetto Fairy" park!

by Calli the Cockatoo November 3, 2021

Fairy Ghetto

The people that have damaged trees, by tagging with graffiti (usually in their teens - twenties) and/or Fairy Doors/Paraphernalia (usually primary school children being encouraged by parents) attached by glue, staples, nails or screws.

Gee this is bad....the areas looking like a "Fairy Ghetto."

by Calli the Cockatoo November 3, 2021

Bin Chicken

The sub-species of Human who likes to pollute the Community Environment with their litter.

Ohhhh! There goes that Bin Chicken!
Ohhhh! That Bin Chicken threw their can out of their car!

by Calli the Cockatoo October 31, 2021

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