Source Code


one quarter. 25¢.

I only have ¼ budget for the year. I need to spend it on stuff that I probabbly wont afford.

by Can of Worms November 10, 2006

15👍 3👎

meaning of life

According to Clock Crew, the meaning of life isnt 42. The meaning of life is B.

As quoted in one CC flash, the meaning of life is B

by Can of Worms November 19, 2006

12👍 48👎


Poopdeck on modern ships

Swabbin' dem shitdecks I see!

by Can of Worms November 5, 2006

20👍 2👎

poop fight

A fight in which poop is thrown

Let's have a poop fight!

by Can of Worms November 19, 2006

32👍 16👎

Terms of Service

the page at the bottom of the screen that(barely) tells you the rules and regulations about urban dictionary

The Terms of Service is the lamest page on urbandictionary

by Can of Worms November 19, 2006

57👍 19👎


Uranus. What it really is.

I'm looking at youranus. It has gas, has moons, and is round.

by Can of Worms November 3, 2006

73👍 12👎


An icon that pops on the screen when ever Barney, Sesame Street, Tellitubbies, Blues Clues, Dora the Explorer, or any other kiddie show that comes on that tells the T.V. "Why did you have to put the show on?! Why?!"

TV-Y means TV-Why?!

by Can of Worms November 8, 2006

44👍 15👎