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Blowjob knees

When a girl has given enough blowjobs, and her knees are red and bruised from being on them so often. Can also happen after a single very long blowjob.

Can also occur after bumping into things, falling over etc.

1) "That girl has a s serious case of blowjob knees"

2) "I fell while drunk yesterday, I look like I have blowjob knees"

by Cap'n Crimson July 6, 2015

Beer cuffed

Similar to Edward 40 Hands.
Beer cuffing is the act of getting handcuffed to a case of beer, and you're not let go till it's empty. Keys to the handcuffs are often given to someone whom you trust.
Can be played with two players, where each player is handcuffed to each side of a case.

Being let go in order to piss can be optional, although is recommended for 2 player games, especially with female players.

"Stacy and I are gonna get beer cuffed for the festival, it's gonna be awesome!"

by Cap'n Crimson April 22, 2015

Rum jizz

The grossest shot of all the shots. As the name implies, it's rum and jizz mixed.

"I made a bet with my friend that if either of us bangs our celeb crushes, the other person has to do a shot of rum jizz"

by Cap'n Crimson July 6, 2015


Going shopping for booze before a party.

"Let's go on an alcho-run before the party, so we know we have enough"

by Cap'n Crimson April 8, 2016