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The Turley Treatment

Glasgow slang for those occasions when you fail dismally to achieve sexual relations with a woman due to penile flacidity.
See Sexual Intercourse....or lack thereof.

A - "What a night, man. We went for movies and dinner and drinks...I drank a little too much though and I managed only the Turley Treatment before dozing off..."
R - "Gonna see her again?"
A - "After that? Doubt it.

by Capt. Volcano November 27, 2008

4👍 5👎

Hendrix On The High Notes

The gurning faces made by menas they reach the point of ejaculation a la the late, great Jimi, whilst in the throues of a particularly tasty solo...

"Aw man... It was great... Best ride ever. At the end my face was distorted like Hendrix on the high notes... Awesome"...

by Capt. Volcano September 24, 2010

2👍 1👎


The beautiful sport of pleasuring oneself between the folds of blubber covering a fat chick...

"Man...folding totally rules...like screwing a chick with a thousand makeshift vaginas..."

by Capt. Volcano August 4, 2008

19👍 73👎

boston handjob

The interesting (mythical?) act of inserting your penis in a woman's anus (girl 1) while another woman (girl 2) fists the first and strokes your member to ecstasy through the thin divideing wall between ass and vaj.

A: Dude...Fuck...I totally got a Boston Handjob from Amanda and Cheryl last night...
M: Did you fuck, ya dirty bastard.
(A cocks eyebrow and swaggers off knowingly...)

by Capt. Volcano August 4, 2008

24👍 19👎