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Blues Mobile

A car that’s used to conduct a mission from God. Usually on the back half of its life and an icon of its generation.

Looks like a bag of shit, but it’s statistics fill the brief.

Used to minimise overhead expenditure and maximise the profit margins.

Policeman: Look, it’s thats shit box Dodge again, lets roll.

5 minute lapse in movie where blues mobile defies logic

Same Policeman, crashed out: I’ll catch that sucker if it’s the last thing I ever do!

by Captain cupcake July 13, 2018

Neighbourhood Mayor

The guy on the block who thinks everything is his business and takes it upon himself to inform people of every happening.

The Neibourhood Mayor does not generally like to be outdone by his fellow Neibourhood dwellers.

Andrew: Why does Tim always gossip about every bodies business as if it were his own?

John: Don't mind Tim he is just the Neighbourhood Mayor. Last week I borrowed Fred's rusted out box trailer to haul some brush to the dump. It was obvious that Tim was annoyed he hasn't waved since. I didn't ask to borrow his dual axel galvanised trailer.

by Captain cupcake August 5, 2016

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Shanked a turd

When you use the restroom and leave a skid Mark on the bowl.

Hey bro, was that you who left a skid mark? Yes sorry bro I shanked a turd and missed the drop zone.

by Captain cupcake August 27, 2020