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He is an honorable man, believe in chivalry, and his mother taught him well. A white and black kind of guy, and very kind. Believes in justices, if he was a Super Hero he will be Captain America. He will kick anyone’s rear end if you try to mess with him or anyone he knows. Very sensual and sexy but a very Loyal man. He is smart, not arrogant. Successful even if he can’t see it. Tall and lovely, but loud at times. He is Funny in a way that you want to laugh and kiss him at the same time. Overall a Kent is the man of your dreams, the one you bring home to your mom because you know she will simply approve and love him. The one you want to spend every day of the rest of your life with and making happy, because you know he will do the same for you. Not perfect but a God Fearing man. Kent is a man that you will regret if you let slips through your fingers.

Wow, she has a KENT in her hands.

by Caramel Diamond January 4, 2020

14👍 3👎