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Nathan is a handsome guy. He is strong and a pretty loving guy. He can be annoying sometimes but he should be himself. Again, he can be really handsome (and when I say really, I mean really). sometimes he acts like he doesnҀ™t care but he really dose. If you see him, give a hive five so he knows what a handsome guys he is! Hhahahahah

Omg, nathan is so handsome!

by Carla is amazing April 3, 2018

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Carla is an amazing, beautiful girl! She has eyes that sparkle everywhere she goes. She has so much sass and attitude that she sometimes even scares you! If you haven't met her and see her from a distance, she is really intimidating but once you get to know her, shes the most unique, selfless and kindest person you'll ever meet! Shes so beautiful and her everything is gorgeous but she dosent belive that. She has insecuritys that are too much to count even tho they shouldn't even be insecurity because shes beautiful anyways. Carlas act tough but they really arnt.
Carlas have a nice body and one big fat ass! Everywhere she goes she turnes heads because its that fat! Carla dosent think shes loved by much people even tho she is!

If you ever see a carla, smile at her and let her know shes loved.

"Carla ha a fat ass"
" carla really is an amazing person"

by Carla is amazing April 4, 2018

182πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž