Source Code

last samurai

when in the process of eating a stack of pancakes, the final pankake usually soaked in syrup, is known as the last samurai.

are you going to finish the last samurai? nah, ive already had enough pancakes.

by Casey January 1, 2004

10👍 9👎


You don’t want to mess with her and you don’t want to argue with her because she will win. She is better than you and she is the most trustworthy person ever. You don’t want to mess with her or u will have Jordan Bowen on you. She is the most amazing best friend to Katie and if you date her you are one lucky man 😂❤️ She also says what she thinks because she doesn’t care

Her best friend:Casey I just said hi to a hover.

Casey: well that my friend is because you are a spastic

by Casey November 3, 2019


spitting on a female's back after having anal sex to make her believe you have nutted and when the female turns aroung you shoot her in the eye.

Girl: What was that baby? Ewwwww! ouch!

by Casey October 7, 2004

3👍 9👎


synonym to syke; a word used to say yeah right, you wish, dream on.

Resident Advisor: "Can I smell what's in that Solo cup."
Underage College Student: "yeah sure, GILL!!!"


Guy: "I really think you are hot, wanna go out sometime?"
Fugly Girl: "Really? Yeah!"
Guy: "GILL!!!"

by Casey January 11, 2005

21👍 53👎


1. the act of masturbating and farting at the same time

2. simulation of this act by a hand motion and fart sound made with the mouth

Zack got a detention for fartsturbating in class.

by Casey January 21, 2005

54👍 20👎

full contact origami

Slang for underground fight club in Bloomington, Indiana.

"Terry watched the full contact origami and wants his ass kicked now"

by Casey March 5, 2005

17👍 4👎

Full Contact Origami

Slang term for participating in underground fight clubs.

"Dude, I almost killed him in full contact origami."

by Casey February 24, 2005

9👍 6👎