Source Code


"Take pics". It is a command used when one person finds a situation particularly interesting and demands that pictures be taken for the internet.

"I am so drunk right now at this party"

"I just got arrested"

"My family is completely drunk at the wedding and my grandfather just sung a Broadway show tune to the bride and groom"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

159πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž


Meaning "good for pics" (antonym: "bad for pics"), the term applies to the quality of pictures of a person, place, or situation that are taken with the purpose of being published on a website, such as Facebook. Really attractive people, places with cool lights, and alcohol are all things that would be GFP in an album. Losers, board games, and bad parties in general would all be classified st BFP.

"Let's build a beeramid! It would be so GFP"
"I arranged the red Solo cups in a beer pong formation. We all know it's GFP".

by Cat Baker December 15, 2008

140πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


"Potential Alc(ohol) Connection". Someone who can provide alcohol for another person who can not buy alc for themselves (most likely because they are under 21 years of age).

"I'm really only befriending her because her brother is 21 and, therefore, is a PAC"
"Hopefully he'll supply alc for any GP 's in the future"

"He got his fake ID taken away last week. Ugh we lost our best PAC. The pics will suffer"

by Cat Baker July 22, 2009

86πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


An abbreviation for "good character(s)". It refers to a person or persons who is/are extremely interesting. Good characters do not always have to be your friend; as a matter of fact, they are often seen as complete jokes to you and your friends. GC's are usually invited to parties to enhance the quality of the pictures that will be taken and uploaded to facebook.

"Is Eric coming to the party this afternoon? He's such a GC"

"I went to the Berkshire Apartments and hung out with some GC's. I can't wait to show you the pics"

"Joe got his certification as a reverend over the internet. He drinks whiskey every day and believes he's fighting for the Confederacy in the Civil War. GC!"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

231πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


"Take pics on my cam(era)" Command. Used when someone gives you their camera because they are busy or too drunk to take pictures for Facebook.

"I'm going to go play beer pong. TPOMC"

"I'll be right back, I have to go throw up. TPOMC"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

87πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Meaning "so drunk", SD is used when one is incapable of forming actual words due to their severe level of intoxication. It is also perfect for college dorm white boards, when you want your friends to know how drunk you are but would prefer if your RA did not.

"Hey, are you okay?"
"(slurred) SD!"

"I was so SD Friday night after the Mexican restaurant that I sullied my pants"

by Cat Baker May 4, 2009

206πŸ‘ 168πŸ‘Ž


A GP ("Good Party") is one that is characterized by an abundance of alcohol and attractive or interesting characters. There should be an equal number of males and females at said good party. In terms of alcohol, a wide variety of spirits and/or beer creates the impression that one is extremely cool and a connoisseur of liqueurs. PIctures should be taken at a GP with many people and large amounts of Solo Cups. Competitive beer pong, kegs, home bars, and dancing are a few examples of things that can be found at a GP. A GP must also be GFP (good for pics).

"Hey Matthew, the frat house is throwing a party tomorrow night. I hear they're getting a keg. GP!!!!"

"This techno music is bumpin'. What a GP"

"I'm so hungover from the GP last night, I think my liver might fail."

by Cat Baker January 22, 2009

134πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž