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Can also be a girls name, even If its kinda rare to find a girl named Marlin.

Marlin is sexy, beautiful, smart, funny and weird.
Marlin is one of a kind friend she basically gets along with anybody even when they don't have same hobbies or music as Marlin.
Marlin are so fun to have around. They really love nerdy stuff and they are huge foodies.
They're a little weird but thats what catches your attention from them when you meet a Marlin. They are unique in their own way, they'll love you in a way no one will, the are always there to cheer you up!

You're lucky if you have or know a Marlin in your life!

friend 1:Hey wanna chill at Marlins place?

friend 2:Im down!! it'll be fun!!

friend 3:Hey I want to tag along too! :)

by Cat Soft Beans November 23, 2021