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Fluffy factory that transforms food into twice the amount of poop.

"Why is there poop in my purse, did you let the chinchilla out?"

by Chad Broski Maximum May 1, 2024


A piece of land, populated by people with absolutely no deep psychological issues, who are not neurotic at all. Also a land, populated by the most well-educated people. Every single bulgarian knows everything about history, football, women/men, advanced geopolitics, investing in cryptocurrency, psychology, medicine, conspiracies, religion...you name it - they know it. An excellent environment for upbringing children, if you wish them not to become ignorant, oblivious, 1-dimensional and genuinely stupid alcoholics and/or heroin junkies. The pinnacle of human evolution. Only quality content in there.

"Why is that boy acting so weird? Is he from Bulgaria?"

"Oh, yeah, I once went to that shitty place. What was it called? Bulgaria?"

"Dude, last night I had sex with that godly girl! She's so stupid and profane, but she's a thunderstorm in bed!"
"Oh, you mean that chick from Bulgaria? Yeah, she's a dumb whore!"

by Chad Broski Maximum April 29, 2022

168👍 28👎


The most amazing guy you could ever know and meet. A literal transcription of God's eternal love for humanity. Not only kind, intelligent and empathetic, but also a sexy mofo with great abs. He is a badass, whose ass isn't bad at all. And he does all this without even trying. Now imagine him trying!

Example 1:
"Dayum, look at that guy! He must be a Christevan."

Example 2:
Girl to her female friend: "Stop staring at Christevan, you're drooling! Just go and shag!"

by Chad Broski Maximum April 22, 2022