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Best friend

A person whom you can share anything with. A best friend I.e bsf is an example of Luna and Zadie

“Luna, you’re my best friend I would do anything for you.” Said zadie

by Champion lunayyy October 13, 2019

2👍 1👎


Harry- a friend whom you’ve known longer than your life and who will always be loved by everyone around him. He shares his confidence and pride with the world and isn’t afraid of anything that people throw at him. He can be sensitive when it comes to emotions but he is strong hearted and carries on with a smile. I would do anything for harry. I love you bestfriend❣️❣️

Harry= the smartest and funniest person anyone could ever know. We’re not as close as we used to be but I love you and i want to carry on our friendship forever.

by Champion lunayyy October 16, 2019

311👍 74👎