Source Code

ass wad

when you poop and your not done yet and you push and push to get it out so you can be done but it doesnt happen

my ass wad is killin me

by Cherry February 27, 2003

30πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

crappy bastard

1.) My boyfriend when he's playing a video game and he hits me when i'm down...lol...
2.) Cheater
3.)Someone who rigs the deck before playing poker.
4.) George Bush

1.)You crappy bastard!
2.)Why did you do that you crappy bastard!
3.)We can't trust you because you are a crappy bastard.
4.)Why is a crappy bastard running the country?

by Cherry February 28, 2004

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Paul Banks

Well-read. Well-spoken. Likes to pretend. Likes to watch people. Probably doesnt understand how handsome he is, but most likely knows his talent and further future potential as a great musician..

Paul Banks pretends like no one else to try to control himself.

by Cherry August 23, 2004

309πŸ‘ 383πŸ‘Ž


good looking, gorgeous.

that guy in those tight pants looks zulty.

by Cherry March 14, 2003

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The condition of being filthy rich; wealthy.

Bill Gates is loaded.

by Cherry August 30, 2004

33πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1.) big huge fart
2.) big honky fucks

look at that bhf!

by Cherry February 28, 2004

11πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


An offensive term used to describe a person who is usually half black and half white. Some say it was first used offensively in the slave days when children were born to slave owner and slave. Derived from the word mule, meaning 1/2 donkey, 1/2 horse. Sometimes defined as white with anything added to it. Again a very offensive term to interracial people.

"Ignorant example"- Hey see that girl there, her mom is black and dad is white, I think that makes her a mulatto.

by Cherry January 3, 2004

133πŸ‘ 275πŸ‘Ž