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Anything that restricts movement; used as a euphemism for pager or cell phone, when the main reason you have the thing in the first place is your work or your parental unit.

Loser #1: Dam, is that my leash or yours?

Loser #2: Yours I think - my boss is on vacation so he won't be calling me!

by Cherry Nelsonic May 24, 2005

93πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Angry; Irate; woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

From the acronym Pissed Off At The Entire World. Pronounced poe-AH-too.

After Darrell got a second speeding ticket in the same day, he was POATEW for the rest of the week.

by Cherry Nelsonic May 14, 2005

179πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž


An animal or pet that is smaller than the standard size; a loving pet that is small and snuggly.

After me and the shmouse hit the beach for a game of Frisbee, we went home and shnuggled.

by Cherry Nelsonic May 19, 2005

21πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A kitchen accident, usually involving an egg, but it can involve any other messy, hard-to-clean food, like jelly.

While cooking breakfast, Millie had an EGGCIDENT and had to wipe down the stove, as well as the floor.

by Cherry Nelsonic May 14, 2005

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


another word for a male friend; a bastardization of boy.

Me: Hey, BOYO, what the haps, man?
Friend: Nada, absolutely nada.

by Cherry Nelsonic May 23, 2005

328πŸ‘ 217πŸ‘Ž


A word used along with a gesture to show how something is done.

My dad Ray used to use this word the whole time we were growing up to show EXACTLY what he meant. (He'd draw pretty good pictures, too.)

If I were to open the refrigerator and stand in front of the open door, THUSLY, I would be air conditioning the entire town of Santa Monica, now wouldn't I? Close the door, FOOL!

by Cherry Nelsonic May 21, 2005

62πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


To be loved up; to have your shmouse with you and be shnuggly with him/her.

I laid my tired body down on the sofa and was SHMOUSED by the cat.

I love my little Shmousie
Shmousie's what I love to eat
Bite theys little heads off
Nibble on theys tiny feet.

by Cherry Nelsonic May 21, 2005

21πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž