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A meal...obviously...

Who the fuck needs to know what breakfast is? Seriously...why are you even searching it?

by Chick mag January 15, 2010

528👍 153👎

Greasy puerto rican

When you bend a girl over grab her neck and fuck her ass - then after you cum in her asshole, it's so big you take a big shit in it then jump in for round two.

Joe pulled a greasy puerto rican the other day with a dirty hooker

by Chick mag November 27, 2009

38👍 9👎


A very large joint or roach which is usually 4-6 inchs long and is smoked in a group

Dylan rolled a quarter into a paparoach and lit it up in his basement with his dealer

by Chick mag June 8, 2009

5👍 2👎

Sloppy breakfast

When you wrap bacon and eggs around your penis and then a girl sucks you off. This is very common in Mongolia and is pleasure for both individuals.

Sloppy breakfasts are high quality and tasty

by Chick mag November 27, 2009

47👍 9👎