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you're racist

'you're racist'
A term often shouted, said or uttered by a white person who thinks they are standing up for black-rights, when-in-fact, they are making themselves look stupid.

Person1: Will Smith is not funny.
Person2: " you're racist ".

by Choo-Choo McGrew January 23, 2008

138👍 23👎


A country criticized by America because it isn’t full of people having their teeth removed and replaced with plastic so that they look "cool".
The country that invented the English language and has as much right as America to create and use slang.
A country that invented TV so pig-ignorant people could watch inacurate TV shows about how English people have bad teeth and talk weird.

England is not to be confused with "Britain."

by Choo-Choo McGrew May 16, 2007

226👍 226👎