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Osu! player

Osu! players are the peak of human evolution. Osu! players are basically the pinnacle of our race, the Homo Sapiens. Let's take mr ''Chrisse'' on Osu! as an example. He is so antisocial, akward and cringe that whenever he sees another person's aura in the surrounding 100km radius he has 4 seizures all at once. Virgnity has reached a new high since the rythm game Osu! originally came out. Instead of farming for some bitches all their care about is farming for pp, you heard me right, pp. If that's not gay, then I'm not sure I know what is. And let's not forget the fact that if you do approcah the sometimes lurking 600kg beast of nature we call an Osu! nerd, they will likely hiss at you and roll away. Descretion is advised.

You: Hey John, have you seen that Osu! player over there?

John: Osu! player? I thought that was a diabetic, retarted, autistic, retarted, autistic, retarted, autistic elephant with meatballs for legs.

by Chrizzi_fortnit on Osu! June 10, 2022

17👍 5👎