Source Code

Stereotype Me, I'm Irish

Stereotypes include but are not limited to: Drunks or being drunk, bar-brawling/brawlers, leprachuans and unsophisticated twats.

It's also the perfect Shut the fuck up/stfu sentence to some leprachuan-chasers.

"The Irish have always been victims of terrible stereotypes- that we're drunks and bar brawlers.
It makes me so mad i'm gonna get drunk and punch someone"- The Black Donnellys NBC

Guy1: hey hey- can you get me a four leaf clover?
Irish Guy: Stereotype me, I'm irish.
Guy1: Wtf?

by Cillian S October 14, 2007

37πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


l337/\/\0 is a mixture between leet/l337 and someone from the stereotype group "emo"

Dude #1: Wth! Steve just went and got me the latest photoshop free!
But hes all apathetic about it, and he changed my color scheme to black.
Dude #2: He's l337/\/\0

by Cillian S January 27, 2007

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Opposite of repeating
1. Saying the exact same thing before someone else says it- as if reading their mind.
2. A perfect way to stop a 'stop-copying-me' when you, the copier, gets sick of it.

Teacher: Explain the soil cover in Ireland
Dude#1; <thinking> Mainly brown soils with gleys- some peaty soils with very few podzols
Dude#2: Mainly brown soils with gleys- some peaty soils with very few podzols

Guy1: Want some chips?
Guy2: Want some chips?
1: Yeah thats what i'm saying.
2: Yeah thats what i'm saying.
1: stop copying me
2: stop copying me
1: Shut up!
2: Shut up!
1: Stop repeating me.
2: Stop PREPEATING me.

by Cillian S October 14, 2007


Laughing at Aviation or LAA is the overall parent term of
ROFLCOPTER, LOLPLANE, LMAOHANDGLIDER. It is to express extreme laughter that is like experiencing all three at once.

DUDE 1: Check out this compilation of fat chicks falling down!
Me: LAA.

by Cillian S November 2, 2007

5πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The lesser used version {Ie. By like 3 people} of ROFLCOPTER. Laughing Out Loud Plane.

Dude: Check out this definition for "SOI". My ROFLCOPTER goes SOI SOI.

by Cillian S November 2, 2007

23πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


LMAOHANDGLIDER is the younger brother of ROLFCOPTER and the lesser used LOLPLANE. LMAOHANDGLIDER is the underappreciated form at expressing your laughter in 1337 terms.

Dude 1: Check this out "LOLPLANE". Hah! Thats like ROFLCOPTERS
Me: LMAOHANDGLIDER. I defined taht!

by Cillian S November 2, 2007

25πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


1. The act of tickling another persons feet under a table with your own, usually as an act of flirting. Generally it is hidden.

2. The way of claiming money found on the floor. By placing your foot over the coin before the other person. If two people do it at the same time it can lead to a Footsie Battle.

1. The waiter caught is at footsies... and he never looked us in the eye for the rest of the evening.

Guy1:N00b, that is my money...
Guy2: Hey Law of Footsies, Footsie keepers..
Guy1: W/e.
Guy2: Footsies prevails. w007.

by Cillian S February 10, 2008

50πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž