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Gloves used in the practice of yarndling, specifically competitive threading. Origin unknown, possibly proto-Albanian. Traditionally composed of beaver skin. Bifurcated now supersede the non-bifurcated variety, due to ease of kedding.

"Hello Jim, have you been drying your chorns this afternoon?"

"Yes, Derek, they should be ready to use when the knap's fully bronzed."

by Cod Michael May 11, 2020

341๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Scrimming was once an integral part of yarndling, often performed in basins. Hence scrimming basins. These basins are now sometimes replaced with octagonal dry beds, or simply not used at all. The irregular rim of a scrimming basin can be described as having a quality pertaining to kedding. Basins were usually situated next to a threading plantin and/or a vertical knapper. Nowadays, they can be seen more easily from the air.

"Have you finished with the scrimming basin, Jack?"

by Cod Michael May 21, 2020

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Since the late 1800s, competitive threading has been an important part of the yarndling fraternity. Marks are awarded for artistic kedding, skilful use of the verricule holder and overall 'authenticity of purpose'. The Tasmanian branch of the Yarndling Association in Hobart, Tasmania is a particularly strong contender in the Antipodean regionals, citing "fun, tempered with social responsibility" as their watchword.

During the 2012 London Olympics, Team GB would often remind the public of its commitment to the "spirit of yarndling", principally in its emphasis on fair play, equality for all, and competitive threading.

by Cod Michael May 18, 2020

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