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Sexy Boy

A Sexy Boy is a boy who is honestly really socially awkward so you call him a sexy boy around all his friends because he needs validation, but he's probably like a 6 at best (and thatҀ™s being a bit generous).

"Oh uh... Hey Riley, man you sure are one... uh... Sexy Boy!...

by Coffee to help me sleep April 9, 2019

10πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Steve Meme

A Steve Meme is a meme that is watered down so much to the point that Steve has found it and considers it funny but its not funny STEVE.

Ugh, a sSteve Meme.

by Coffee to help me sleep April 9, 2019

2πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Crunk in My Crocks

Being 'Crunk In My Crocks' means to be a middle aged person who Is also frequently high.

"Aww man, that kids dad is always Crunk in His Crocks. Should we call DHS?"

"Awww mahn, I can't wait to be the dad that's always Crunk in My Crocks!"

by Coffee to help me sleep October 1, 2017