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An euphemism referring a prostitute.

Malik: Yesterday, a pretty girl added me on Facebook.
Adam: What's her name?
Malik: Sharon Chong.
Adam: Bro, you must block her immediately. Do you know that she is a prostitute, eh, itsmesharonnnn? Don't be stupid man.

by Coklat Putih August 26, 2022

smelly feet

Actually, no need to explain so long. It just means "feet with smells". Its public image is clearly divided; some people think it is "disgusting" while others like it.

Jessica Jane, an Indonesian YouTuber, is well-known for her smelly feet.

by Coklat Putih January 25, 2023

330👍 1👎


A Malay word meaning "beautiful".

1. Mawar lebih indah daripada teratai. (Roses are more beautiful than lotuses).

by Coklat Putih June 2, 2022


The national food brand of Malaysia. It's well-known for bread and noodles.

Malaysians who dislike Gardenia products are not truly Malaysians.

by Coklat Putih January 25, 2023

112👍 2👎


A Malaysian word meaning "betray" or "treason". This word is equivalent to "Quisling". If there is Quisling in Norway, Malaysia has lohziying.

1. lohziying
Example: Perkataan "lohziying" bermaksud "khianat". (The word "lohziying" means "betray".)

2. melohziyingi/dilohziyingi
Example: Dia telah dilohziyingi oleh kawan perempuan lamanya. (He was betrayed by his ex-girlfriend.)

3. pelohziying
Example: Syerleena Abdul Rashid adalah pelohziying bangsa Melayu. (Syerleena Abdul Rashid is a traitor of Malay ethnicity.)

by Coklat Putih June 2, 2022


It's a term referring rude prostitutes.

David was happy because he could have a sex with an Indonesian prostitute. He then tried to smell her feet while still having a sex. Suddenly, she said "Yih!" and slapped him. He was angry and immediately left the place.

David: Damn, she was such a qortunne! She was so rude like hell!

by Coklat Putih January 23, 2023