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dischner syndrome

rapid, inexplicable widespread popularity followed by a long, protracted decline in social capital, terminating in universal disdain

A.: "Dude, what ever happened to Bob Applesworthy?"

B.: "Freshman year he was the shit around here. But I don't think he has any friends anymore."
A.: "Dischner syndrome."
B.: "Totally."

by Col. Hans Landa August 24, 2013

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

majority decision

The best excuse for stupid choices.

Chris: "So Jake, why are we going into the eerie Aztec temple before we know how to contact the park ranger?"
Jake: "Majority decision."

by Col. Hans Landa October 4, 2011

21πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Phi Mu Delta

a kick-ass, small, national fraternity. Unlike the ridiculous douchebags who populate the usual frathouse, Phi Mu Delta advocates true fraternity, democracy, and service to the community. Its members are brothers in the truest sense of the word.

"Where you pledging, bro?"
"Phi Mu Delta, because I believe in brotherhood and kindness."

by Col. Hans Landa February 9, 2012

77πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


adj.; to be a in a state of having caused some action, usually either primarily or voluntarily. Almost always refers to the actions of human beings.

Hitler is responsible for the Holocaust.

The American people are responsible for electing their next president.

by Col. Hans Landa January 25, 2012

31πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

to hilltop

v., coll.; to get drunk on a Sunday night, or, more loosely, at any time when being intoxicated is completely uncalled for. Its origin is unknown.

Joe: "Dude, you nearly fell over that chair! Are you wasted?"
Dale: "Yeah mane, I decided to hilltop tonight bro." (vomits)

by Col. Hans Landa October 24, 2011

33πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Ocean City, Maryland. As opposed to OCNJ, which is not nearly at suitable for alcoholism, promiscuity, or having a good time.

OCMD 2011 never forget

by Col. Hans Landa August 1, 2011

23πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

eleventh hour friendship

n., a friendship formed at the last minute, usually because a common means of communication is going to expire. Eleventh hour friendships are commonly formed at the end of grade school, high school, college, and periods of employment with a specific employer. The term comes from the "eleventh hour", i.e. the last possible time.

Joe: "I didn't know Bob was friends with Tim. They never hung out in high school."
Jack: "It was an eleventh hour friendship - they literally only got to know each other after graduation."

by Col. Hans Landa December 23, 2011

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