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A familiar label for a furry often used like the word “person” or "human."

Many of my fellow furs would agree.

by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003

173👍 155👎


(in furry fandom)
noun. A furry pervert. (from the combination of FURry and perVERT)

"That guy is a furvert."

by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003

161👍 819👎


To designate a target to employ a homing weapon against, usually by laser or radar.

The Special Forces trooper painted the target for the Warthog driver to hit.

by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003

92👍 103👎


A gun that fies by having its bolt operated by a chain. Despite years of misuse (started by id game's Doom) it is always a single barrel gun.

The M2A2 Bradley IFV uses a 25mm chaingun

by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003

22👍 5👎

The Letter in the Whie House

Noun. The appointed leader of the United States who is too stupid to spell his name beyond a single letter.

by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003


The radio call given by military pilots when a AGM-65 Maverick is fired.


by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003

36👍 23👎


The US service rifle in use since 1965. The M16's original design proved to be jam prone (complicated by poor ammunition and improper cleaning instruction) and was superceded by the M16A1. The M16A1 was a fully automatic rifle with a chrome lined barrel for increased reliability.
The M16A2 was the next major model which had an improved sight, the optional addition of a brass deflector for left-handed shooters a 7-in-1 rifiling, and, most notibly, a three-round burst limiter.
The next model of the M16 (the M16A3 or M16A4 I cannot find reliable sources on either even Colt) eschews the burst limiter and adds a P-rail inplace of the handgrip.

The soldier shouldered his M16.

by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003

491👍 91👎