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Springfield Mall

A large, "urban" shopping mall located in Springfield, Virginia. Has been gradually abandoned in recent years do to preference for Pentagon City and Tysons, which have been deemed "less ghetto" by the general public. Springfield Mall is famous for having a "Hot Topic" and "Taco Bell Express," 97 Auntie Anne's pretzel stands, and an extensive parking garage used for drug deals after closing.

People, notably white people, who admit to shopping at Springfield Mall are usually shunned by the Northern Virginian community. Common excuses are:
"S-Springfield?...I thought this was Tysons!"
"I must have forgotten to take my medicine."
"Its OK, I'm 1/32 hispanic"

Springfield Mall is generally safe to frequent before sundown. However, NEVER go on Friday nights. EVER.

"Boi, that girl's shoes is so ghetto...Must have bought 'em at Springfield Mall..."

by Conley Jones June 15, 2007

82👍 11👎

Springfield Mall

A large, "urban" shopping mall located in Springfield, Virginia. Has been gradually abandoned in recent years do to preference for Pentagon City and Tysons, which have been deemed "less ghetto" by the general public. Springfield Mall is famous for having a "Hot Topic" and "Taco Bell Express," 97 Auntie Anne's pretzel stands, and an extensive parking garage used for drug deals after closing.

People, notably white people, who admit to shopping at Springfield Mall are usually shunned by the Northern Virginian community. Common excuses are:
"S-Springfield?...I thought this was Tysons!"
"I must have forgotten to take my medicine."
"Its OK, I'm 1/32 hispanic"

Springfield Mall is generally safe to frequent before sundown. However, NEVER go on Friday nights. EVER.

Boi, that girl's shoes is so ghetto...must have bought 'em at Springfield Mall...

by Conley Jones June 10, 2007

24👍 7👎


Slang for Listerine Pocket Paks, those paper mints that melt when you put them on your tongue.

After eating his abuela's famous menudo, Juan was in dire need of some Listermints.

by Conley Jones June 10, 2007