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Using Ketamine and Cocaine at the same time. Name comes from the cartoon animal on the box of Mexican Ketamine that is smuggled over the border for sale in the United States

Cartooning is almost as good as a candy flip"

by Conrad July 26, 2003


1. Pubic hair

2. Current president of the U.S., who is as useful as pubic hair.

1. Holy shit! Not another crab infestation of my bush!

2. President Bush is Halliburton's ass muppet.

by Conrad July 28, 2004

146πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

md 20/20

MD 20/20, also knows as Mad Dog 20/20 or just Mad Dog, is a cheap wine that comes in several delicious flavors. It can be had for under three dollars and is widely available. Taste is a matter of personal preference, however many drinkers enjoy it.

"Man, that MD 20/20 was some good sheet!"

"Dude, I spiked that punchbowl with Banana Red MD 20/20!"

by Conrad January 28, 2005

357πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž


Street Slang for the AIDS virus

" He got the monster he'll be dead in a year."

by Conrad June 19, 2003

17πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


1) Oppression of a religious group that is despised by most of society.
2) In right-wing fundamentalist Newspeak, the act of disagreeing with fundamentalist protestants and/or refusing to give them special entitlements, such as school-sponsored prayer.

1) What the Nazi regime did to the Jews was true persecution.
2) Christians don't persecute Wiccans!!! They persecute us by not letting us burn them at the stake!!!

by Conrad June 9, 2004

55πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


A drug runner; A drug courier; especially from DelMarVa area of the East Coast

Scrambler comes here once a month to provide us with llello

by Conrad July 26, 2003

45πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Bid is Street slang for a prison sentence

My man is doing a bid in Rikers for attempted murder

by Conrad June 19, 2003

809πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž