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Accomplistment is the addition of already-fulfilled tasks to a to-do list and the sense of satisfaction it brings.

"I know I already cleaned my room, but I engaged in a little accomplistment and wrote it down anyway on my to-do list, then crossed it off so it looks like I actually did something."

by Conrad H. May 19, 2008

24👍 7👎

Voice to voice

Communicating by phone. More intimate than texting but less so than speaking in person, or "face to face."

A (via text): We need to talk.
B: This sounds serious. Maybe we should talk voice to voice.

by Conrad H. January 20, 2010

9👍 3👎


To make plans with the intention of canceling or never following through. Often used if the planceling party is not quick enough to come up with an excuse. Sometimes both parties plancel, and no meeting is intended, the future event is just a social gesture.

(I made this word up, but you should use it.)

The specific plancel:

A: What are you doing on Thursday?
B: (Thinking: I can't come up with anything!) I don't know.
A: Let's go see a movie
B: That would be great. (I'm trapped. I hope he doesn't call, but I'll tell him a family member is ailing if he presses it.)

The two-way, generic plancel:

A: It was so good to see you.
B: You too. Let's do dinner sometime. (We're never doing dinner).
A: Definitely. (We're never doing dinner.)

by Conrad H. September 10, 2007

58👍 5👎


The expression of pain before the injury actually occurs. Related to amplipain.

"I saw the door about to slam on my fingers, and I yelled out in anticipain before it closed."

by Conrad H. May 19, 2008

28👍 3👎

Lazy Beard

A beard grown not for an aesthetic purpose but merely because the person wearing it has not gotten around to shaving.

A: Growing a beard for winter?
B: Nah, it's just a lazy beard...I'll shave it once I figure out where I put my razor.

by Conrad H. April 16, 2009

40👍 13👎


An amplified expression of pain in response to a relatively minor injury. Closely related to anticipain.

"She only bumped her head, but she wailed on for hours like she'd lost an eye and had her legs cut off. She had a serious case of amplipain."

by Conrad H. May 20, 2008

26👍 2👎