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Tangible Behavior

A behavior that evolves into a noun by a consequence.

The world changes by the consequences of tangible behavior.

by Creativelingo January 17, 2021

Gamma Squeeze

A progressive investing Innovation and movement created by Millennials and Generation Z to compete against those Wall Street predatory hedge funds and Dark Energy.

An average Joe can now collectively invest in the stock market, investing in the win win of green energy in the Gamma Squeeze.

by Creativelingo January 27, 2021

Kinto Soldado

A loyal fan or groupie of the Mexican American Hip Hop band Kinto Sol.

After their concert, the band members of Kinto Sol met with their Kinto Soldados back stage to sign autographs.

by Creativelingo January 26, 2021


To be personally impressed by the verbal or physical action of another.

Oh shit! Wachalo!

by Creativelingo January 26, 2021


An individual that will remain silent after proven to be wrong or found to be contradicted.

After the opportunity arose to rectify their bad behavior, they chose to remain silent acting as cricketeers.

by Creativelingo January 26, 2021


An individual that blindly repeats what he or she hears without fact checking or questioniong the source.

President Trump was able persuade a social movement by telling lies, activating his echoers to spread those lies by spreading misinformation.

by Creativelingo January 26, 2021

Roller Graffiti

A technique of painting graffiti with a paint roller of any size.

The first Roller Graffiti mural was painted in Cape Coral, Florida in 1994 by street Artist Daniel Paul using a 3" Shur line paint roller.

by Creativelingo January 17, 2021