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Whattsapp is an app for ages 16+ and you need a phone number to use it so you can chat with your friends and family in a Whattsapp group

Person 1: do you use whattsapp? Person 2: yes in fact i do what to join my group? Person 1: ok!

by Crysto520 June 24, 2021


just a charac ter made by nintendo and he got a 35th aniversery thats all

mario is made by nintendo

by Crysto520 September 7, 2020

2👍 1👎


Vrej is used in the ninjakiwi discord server to mean bruh bc someone named pumpkineater69 misspelled bruh to be vreg but he changed to to vrej bc it sounded better

Person 1: insert btd tower here is now the worst tower in the game vrej. person 2:vrej

by Crysto520 August 10, 2021

24👍 6👎