Source Code

Megan Clark

A 4ft blonde haired shrimp

That's person is a Megan Clark

by Cummins cider April 21, 2017

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Leighton rose

Another word to describe a fat person that has an addiction to cheeseburgers

That person is a Leighton rose

by Cummins cider April 22, 2017

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John terry

Make sure you never take your wife to a football game trust me it'll be the last time you'll see her yes he has stole my last 37 wives and no I am not a fuckboy just a player like the man himself torin Jackson hawked

Don't go anywhere near John terry

by Cummins cider April 22, 2017

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Brandon walker

A man that sucks his or other peoples toes

I'm pretty sure I got told that person is a brandon walker

by Cummins cider June 16, 2020

Daniel davey

Daniel davey is a sound guy and is very random they tend to be very good at video games and can steal your ice in seconds

That person is a Daniel davey

by Cummins cider April 21, 2017

Owen Bullas

The type of nice guy everybody wants to be they tend to bring all there girls into arguments and have 9cm finger they also tend to use the quote "I give up on relationships"

That person is being an Owen Bullas

by Cummins cider April 21, 2017

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Red banana

A red banana is where a man sticks his dick in a woman's vagina while she's on her period and when he pulls out his dick stains red

He pulled out to see he had a red banana

by Cummins cider April 22, 2017

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