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Your a beautiful and amazing person

Your amazing and beautiful.Don't listen to any haters.Think positive and stay that way💖

Person 1:Ugh I'm so ugly
Person 2:Um no your a beautiful and amazing person

by Cutie.lyssy May 28, 2020

12👍 1👎

Lyssy Noel

Lyssy Noel is i famous youtuber and tiktoker, she streams on the live app twitch.shes most known from her arcade videos before quarantine but now she posts creepy videos.she is super unproblematic and nice!i am a fp for her...you literally see her name in my username..

P1:eww Lyssy Noel disrespected muslims

P2:honey get ur fax right and stop trying to cancel unproblematic people like Lyssynoel

by Cutie.lyssy January 5, 2021

3👍 5👎