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builds character

Any task, activity or event which is painful, humiliating, upsetting, violent or distressing to the person experiencing the said task, activity or event.

A sarcastic use of the phrase, as most people believe that the difficult events in our lives contribute the most to our character and personality. Sadly, pyschologists would tend to agree; Not for the better in many cases.

A:"My boyfriend just called. . . He's left me!"
B:" Really?"
A:" For my BROTHER!!!! (Sniff)"
B:"Well . . . It builds character, something like that. . . "
A:"Oh, go kiss a walrus!"

by D F STuckey July 8, 2004

115πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

cheese master

Homaosexual male who enjoys performing fellation upon uncircusised males, preferably with poor personal hygiene.

"Cyril is such a cheese master - He needs a mouthwash"

by D F STuckey February 14, 2004

13πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

I'll buy that for a dollar

Slang phrase for "I'll accept that gladly" from the movie Robocop.

Derived from a slang phrase in a famous scince fiction story "The Marching Morons" by C.M.Kornbluth, in which a popular catchphrase for asking 'would you believe it?' was "Would you buy it for a quarter?". In the intervening years, inflation has been occurring.

a:" Think my car needs cleaning?"
b:" I'll buy that for a dollar!"

by D F STuckey May 13, 2004

203πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


Internet contraction for In My Experience; Used to explain a statement that is based upon the life of, or the experiences of the speaker. More forceful than YMMV.

NooB:"So are the rules broken in this example of play?"
CovertWalrus:"IME the rules work fine even if they slow down the game a bit. But YMMV, some people think so."

by D F STuckey November 11, 2004

262πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

can your granny sew?

A delicate way of telling someone you are about to perform an act of violence upon them, esp. the application of a Liverpool Kiss to the nose or the use of a Stanley knife. Follwed up by the action, then the use of the phrase " Then get THAT stitched!" Scottish traditional folk saying.

English man in pub;"Celtic Thistle are not doig well this year..."
Scot:"Oh Aye? Can your granny sew, mate?"

by D F STuckey February 14, 2004

33πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Users of chatrooms who prefer to cyber or chat in erotic manner in open or non-private mode. Annoying to most users although witty couples with good vocabularies and fertile imaginations are on rare occasions entertaining.

ROmeOH:"Then, I run my tongue along your neck...."
JewLee@:"Ooh . . Shuddering, I clutch at your chest with abandon. . . "
CovertWalrus:"Ahh the netsibishionists are in here again"

by D F STuckey February 21, 2004

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Budrys Reflex

The protective response that erases the knowledge of a truth that contradicts a Widely Believed Fact to prevent the painful effects of Cognitive Dissonance.

Simply put, the way people will immediately forget the truth about something if they prefer to believe the more popular theory or idea - Most commonly seen in conspiracy theorists, the Tinfoil Hat Brigade and in political discussions.

Derived fromt he name Algis Budrys, SF writer, who wrote a story about mental and physical supermen who were ignored by the public for their acheivements by a similar effect in the story 'Nobody Bothers Gus'.

A:( who suffers from Budrys Reflex) We spend too much money on the space programme - they should give that money to the teachers or sumthin' . . .

B:(Opens Federal budget) Well, look . . . Nasa gets 3.5billion bucks a year, and the HEW gets 32.1 billion - Ten times as much!

A:Oh. ( Reflex kicks in ) Oh, maybe there's more from the CIA or the Freemasons going into NASA then.

by D F STuckey September 18, 2008

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