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collywobbles in my gummydoodles

to not feel well, feel like shit

I feel like I have collywobbles in my gummydoodles

by DC August 4, 2003

8👍 11👎

ring out

A ring out is when you are doing a girl doggystyle then you pull out and suddenly put foot to ass and kick the girl off of the bed.

I was doing some slut I didn't know doggystle. After I busted my nut I decided to go for the ring out.

by DC March 1, 2006

15👍 48👎


A common Australian derivative of the word "yes" or "yeah". Signifying agreement.

Person 1: Did you have a nice day?
Person 2: Yar! :)

by DC November 5, 2003

2👍 1👎


Used to describe the typical burbury clad, fashion obsessed idiotic teenage under-class in England, usually the South-East.

A writer in the Independent thought it derived from the name of the town of Chatham in Kent, where the term is best known and probably originated, others have reported it as Cheltenham. But it seems that the word is from a much older underclass, the gypsies, many of whom have lived in that area for generations. Chav is almost certainly from the Romany word for a child, chavi, recorded from the middle of the nineteenth century. We know it was being used as a term of address to an adult man a little later in the century, but it hasn’t often been recorded in print since and its derivative chav is quite new to most people.

Other terms for the class also have Romany connections; another is charver, Romany for prostitute. Yet another is the deeply insulting pikey, presumably from the Kentish dialect term for gypsy that was borrowed from turnpike, so a person who travels the roads.

Note - a female Chav is often called a Chavette.

"I was walking down Romford High Street and I was surrounded by Chav scum. This is why I hate that place on a Friday night."

by DC January 13, 2005

25👍 14👎


Using a word that doesn’t exist or with the wrong definition in an attempt to sound hip.

Ex: “These dirty phones are BOGUED OUT.” Instead of saying: “These dirty phones are NASTY.”

by DC December 27, 2005

17👍 12👎


An online diary used to either write about ones pointless day or to write brief insparations or random thoughts in ones head.
Some use it to write merely for themselves (if their site is not given out, they do not post on anyone else's site, and they have no other connections to their site, it would be pretty hard to find).
Others use it to communicate with friends, and only their friends.
And then there are some who search and search for other people's sites and read every aspect of their poor pathetic lives because they have stalker tendencies.

Ok, so my day was like this, I have no life so I sat on the couch with my daritos all day and watched soap opras because if you look beyond the poor acting and overdramitized women, they're actually pretty damn funny...
I swear she's a dog trapped in a cat's body...
This is much better then that old torn notebook and Mik wont beable to find this one...
Hey you ass, why weren't you in English today, the transvestite whore was gone and we had the coolest sub...
ooh, bobby from flordia, oh and his favortite sport is baseball, mine too, he has a girlfriend, i'm gonna kill that wench for stealling my man...

by DC June 11, 2004

135👍 48👎

beat box

When a dude screws his girl while a buddy of his hides in the closet beat boxing and the couple does it to his rhythm.

Yo man. I was beat boxing this chick while my homie was doin a jack in the box}

by DC May 8, 2005

20👍 85👎